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Servicing entity: PPF Asset Management Ltd / PPF Advisory Pty Ltd

PPF Asset Management Ltd operates two funds – PPF Diversified Growth Fund (PPFDGF) and PPF Enhanced Income Fund (PPFEIF).


PPF Diversified Growth Fund

The Fund aims to provide long-term growth through shares and fixed income from Australia and overseas. It includes investments in ASX listed securities, unlisted funds and corporate and government fixed interest. This fund provides:

  • capital growth through a diversified portfolio

  • optimum asset allocation and selection

  • effective management of risk and volatility.


PPF Enhanced Income Fund

The Fund aims to outperform cash investments. It includes investments in bank bills and term deposits in major Australian banks. This Fund provides:

  • stable income stream

  • rate of returns above the cash rate

  • capital preservation.


View the Product Disclosure Statements for each fund: PPFDGF and PPFEIF.


Investors are able to make monthly investment applications and/or redemptions. Quarterly valuation and distribution statements are produced and sent to investors along with annual taxation statements.


PPF Asset Management Limited and PPF Advisory Pty Ltd are qualified and authorised to provide strategic asset allocation and investment management across a range of asset classes, delivering targeted outcomes. PPF Asset Management Limited holds Australian Financial Services Licence #229696 and PPF Advisory Pty Ltd holds Australian Financial Services Licence #470793.

For more information about our funds, click the button below.
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